Tuesday, October 26, 2010

WELL, Shit.

Below is a reply to the blog below......


Dear Lindsay_Liz,

*Your profile says you're a fashion show producer. Have we ever met? Do you design as well? Do you have a link to your portfolio?

*I believe Denver's fashion scene & designers are going through a renaissance currently. Denver's designers are more than just designers. We are artists. For example, I would not yet call myself a business. I am not a business yet. I'm an artist, practicing my medium of fashion. Sometimes my work sells, a lot of the times it doesn't. My work about 4 years ago perfectly fits your quote of "concepts are too complex for such an obvious lack of technical skill." -But, you would be surprised (and I certainly was) when I moved to San Francisco and a kind, wealthy lady who LOVED the complex design and lack of skill thought it was the PERFECT couture outfit, and paid me $400 for it. That is and always will be a part of my portfolio and history of a designer... Who are you to say that an artists work is too complex for them to create??? Especially when you go into an Urban Outfitters & the new rage is unfinished & fraying edges... a weak attempt of mass manufactured fashion to copy the one of a kind uniqueness of wearable art fashion pieces... an independent evolution & phenomenon that some designers solely identify with (for example: ME).

*In reply to your 7th paragraph: If you don't like what we're designing, go shop at JCPenny's, or start designing for yourself. We're not designing for you, we're designing for ourselves, our friends, our community. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Don't knock it. Or, try not being so timid. PSSHHT. I WOULD RATHER DIE THAN BE A PLAIN SELL OUT.

*RE: 8th Paragraph. Every raw seam & unfinished edge I have ever "left" on one of my pieces I did with great purpose BECAUSE I LIKED IT.
When you talk about fit -- you are walking a thin line here, because unless you are paying for a custom, couture piece you cannot compare Denver designers to the rest of the design world at large. I know plenty of women who have the same frustration when walking into any store in any shopping mall or any boutique. Some designers design better for different body types. ALL WOMANS BODIES ARE SO DIFFERENT. From skimming through your blog it seems as though you are aware of this.

If you don't like the fit of something, and you want something couture made for you, make an appointment with me: baily@illiteratemagazine.com. I'll get all your body measurements & make a dress to fit your exact shape. I'm sure if you approached any of the other Denver designers they would happily do this for you as well.... if you're willing to pay about an extra $100+ for our time & labor of drafting you a COUTURE pattern. Because that's what you're wishing for.

*RE: 9th paragraph: ..... Your point being.... ??????

*RE: 10th paragraph: "Charging a fair price should be no issue" What do you mean by fair? Fair- as in- exporting your manufacturing overseas and paying sweatshops to do it so every American can have the FAST FASHION of the season?!?! And then paying advertising & marketing "professionals" a higher salary wage so this ugly mass manufacturing monster keeps going??? Your 1-2-3 "Steps" of designing lines, this designer, will kindly disregard.

It's obvious you have an idea on how the fashion industry works, but your logic & insinuations are clearly clouded. Has it ever dawned on you that most of us don't want to go this route? Your idealistic steps in designing the successful line is what has helped keep the ugly monster of fast fashion fed.

As a fashion artist/ hopeful designer/ caught in the middle of this post-everything fast fashion struggle - I DO know one thing for sure:

Approaching designing in these steps will no longer work in the future and it is up to us as fashion artists/designers/entrepreneurs to turn fashion INTO WHATEVER THE FUCK WE WANT TO.... simply because we can.

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